So I managed to move the intake cam one tooth and the results are starting with cyl#1….150,155,150,145.
Truthfully the car doesn’t seem to run any better than before, maybe I need to adjust things again either way happy to see those numbers again.
Found a new oil leak…have some oil that is bubbling past the dipstick plug so I checked the oil while there and I found it to be pretty dirty also I feel like it smells like gas has gotten mixed in. Perhaps this leak is occurring now because the oil is thinner due to the gas be mixed in?
I read that fuel can mix with oil if the car is running rich…I’m pretty sure my car has been running rich based on the spark plugs so this could be the cause…thoughts?
I’m going to change oil with new and try to run the car leaner to see how this affects things.
What’s the best procedure to test for rich/lean condition when using spark plugs as a guide? A video said to run the car at 2000rpm for 20min then check plugs.

New unused oil on the left.
Thanks for the help.