Last trip out in the fall, I found that I was having random trouble shifting from 1st up into 2nd. Sometimes a little grinding like I forgot to engage the clutch, sometimes I could just feel a little tickling in the shift handle like I was actually feeling the gears engage. I put her away and hoped it was my imagination

Jump to spring - I got her out and took her in for spring tune-up last week and the same issue is there. Mechanic says it is internal, and to baby her for as long as possible because this could be expensive

Synchromesh?, 2nd gear? where can I get parts without having to buy a whole new transmission. I can't afford a whole new transmission (sigh). Mechanic is searching, but I want to get on the road sooner than later. I lost 3rd gear years ago and drove for quite a while without it, second is not so easy to avoid (for me at least)
1981 Spider 2000 5 speed manual. Thanks in advance for your help!