Anyways we're starting with the driver's side door and trying to resolve several issues, one of which is how can we get this side view mirror remote control attached? The mirror appears to be original and there was just a hole in the door card for where the little joystick is supposed to be. Oh well, I guess you just have to push around the mirror inside the mirror frame if you want to adjust it - but that is kinda cludgey and also gets smudges all over the mirror. Lo and behold, when we removed the door card we discovered the joystick control hanging inside the door - and it works! However I can't figure out how the reattach it to the hole in the door frame it's meant to go in. The joystick doesn't quite fit through the hole so maybe it's supposed to sit behind it somehow? Photos attached. I've looked around online and not had any luck finding whatever mounting piece I'm missing. Fiatplus seemed the most likely. From what I can gather there were variations in these adjustable mirrors and parts and replacements are most available for later than 1979 editions. If anyone has, or knows where I could find, the part I'm needing, let me know.
Replacing the whole original mirror seems crazy expensive. Also, we are interested in getting a passenger side mirror so if we can't fix this one we have, we might be interested in a matching pair of aftermarket units. I have heard of varying quality amongst the replacements. My main concerns would be does it hold it's adjustment and not vibrate and rattle around a lot. We'd want the replacement to cover the holes in the driver's door - which are two screw holes 6cm apart with a 2cm diameter hole in-between where the remote cable passed through. The area under the gasket is painted but the gasket rim has damaged the paint so ideally any replacement mirror covers this whole area of about 8cm x 4.7cm.
This mirror seems like it could fit the bill:
Does anyone have any experience with these?
Mirror - says Vitaloni on it:

Remote control joystick:

Hole in door for remote joystick