Heating controls illumination

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Joined: Fri May 21, 2021 8:36 pm
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Heating controls illumination

Post by Anbele »

So I get that this part has to be illuminated by the fiber optic lights…but the question is how? I took the control housing out and I don’t see how the tiny optic cables could be attached to—to provide light into the controls
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Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:23 pm
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Re: Heating controls illumination

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I'm going by memory here as my current (early) cars don't have this setup, but I thought the "input" for the fiber optic cables came from a bulb on the housing of the cigarette lighter, and the "output" for the 3 (maybe 4) cables was little black plastic tabs that fit into the underside of the heater control chrome surround. These tabs had round recesses that the end of the fiber optic cables fit into.

If your car doesn't have these black plastic tabs for the cables, it's possible your original chrome heater control surround was replaced with one of the earlier versions. Or the tabs eventually broke off.

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