After reading Zaffer's post from last month about the sticking caliper and all the time and money he spent on his brakes, I thought I'd comment on one of the best $500 I've ever spent on one of my Spiders, a new front brake system conversion I bought from Vick's a year ago I installed on my '79. There's been a least one Spider in my garage for 43 years (my '79 is my 3rd), and ALL of them pulled one direction or another at some point in their lives whenever I stepped on the brakes. It was always an adventure when I had to brake hard and try to counter-steer just enough to keep the car in a straight line! But now with the new front brake system I can actually slam on the brakes and let go of the steering wheel ...and the car brakes straight!! a new car!
So the next time you need a brake job or are wanting to spend some of that stimulus money on something you'd like, check out the new brake conversion kit Vick's has. One year later I'm still glad I went for it!

-Mike in W. Washington state