In a related thread, fiatfactory suggested that zmatt start a thread to this topic.... and I loved the Idea so much that I thought I'd chime-in too.
I am also in the process of building a budget 2L. I'd be further along in this build, if not for the fact that I bought a '79 2L for my donor car, only to discover that it's a transplanted 1800....

Here's my intended build. Any suggestions from others who've been down this road are welcome. (I'm easily distracted, so please try not to distract me over trivialities that are matters of preference, as opposed to actually better parts or more effective components.

The goal is a fun, reliable street motor. I'd like it to rev to the moon, and make all the right noises. And I have always been willing to sacrifice a little "streetability" for more of anything that makes me go

1) We'll start with the 2L bottom end. I've got my eye on one I may have within the month. I'll check it over, but I'm hoping to not have to do any extensive machine work. Stock crank. Stock rods. I don't know if these blocks benefit from deburring, or if oil holes should be chamfered, or?? I've not yet had one of these open. But my usual method is to clean everything up really well that way. I'll also match-balance the rod /piston assembly as closely as possible. If I understand correctly, these motors being 180d cranks don;t need for me to balance a bob-weight to the reciprocating assembly, right
? So can I lighten-up the crank at all?
2) Pistons: I'm debating just sticking with the stock pistons (assuming they mic out okay). With an 1800 head, that should net me around 9.5:1 compression ratio, right? Would I benefit from new pistons and going a little higher? I don't want to spend a bunch of my budget on extreme ignition components, so I don't want to get too crazy with compression.
3) Head: I have several 1800 castings on the shelf to choose from. Are there any that are better / more desirable than others? If I go with new pistons (see above) is there any benefit to keeping the 2L head? I'll port-match the head & manifolds, but probably not do too much more to the ports, unless y'all have seen good results from a home-grown port-job (I don't have a flow-bench, but I understand the theories and dynamics). Should I be polishing the runners? What about the chambers? polished? Of course I'll get a good valve-job done, but should I stick with the stock size valves? Or go bigger?
4) Cams: I got a great deal on a set of new IAP autocross cams, so I bought 'em. I should think they'd work well with what I'm putting together here? I'll mate 'em to some adjustable cam gears, so I can time 'em correctly.
5) Intake: I picked-up a waffle manifold and some 40idf's. I should think 40's should accommodate this level of build? unless my altitude (4000') makes 'em too small?
6) header: I can't decide. I LOVE the look of Mark's header. But that's a chunk of the budget. there are less expensive options, including the 4/2/1 that's on my shelf. Any experience on ability to breathe with either Mark's or Vick's headers, as compared to the 4/2/1 ?
7) Ignition: I'm thinking just stick with the electronic ignition from the donor car, with a good solid coil. ????
any tips, hints, suggestions?
thanks in advance!