the worldwide Spider Register actually counts more than 19,400 cars in 102 nations/countries!
But there are countries still missing, where some Fiat Spider are expected. In my opinion these are the main missing countries:
- Europe
-- Aserbaidschan / Azerbaijan / Azərbaycan Respublikası
-- Armenien / Armenia / Hajastan
-- Republik Moldau / Moldova / Republica Moldova
- North America
-- Haiti / Repiblik d Ayiti
-- Jamaika / Jamaica
-- Kuba / Cuba / República de Cuba
-- Nicaragua / República de Nicaragua
- South America
-- Guyana / Co-operative Republic of Guyana
- Africa
-- Algerien / Algeria / al-Dschazā’ir
-- Libyen / Libya / Lībiyā
-- Mauritius / Maurice
-- Namibia / Republic of Namibia
-- Senegal / République du Sénégal
- Asia
-- Brunei / Brunei Darussalam
-- Jordanien / Jordan / Al-'Urdunn
-- Kirgisistan / Kyrgyzstan / Kyrgysstan
-- Taiwan / Republik China auf Taiwan
Please let me know, if you have any informations regarding a Fiat 124 Spider in one of these countries: dead or alive!

Any other car information from exotic countries or places (i.e. Guam, Greenland/Grønland, Fiji Islands etc) are appreciated too.
So perhaps we can add some more countries to the nations list, thanks in advance for your input!
Cheers Ralf