Will not start, but it wants to

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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

tima01864 wrote:What is an airflow module?
The AFM from made by Bosch on the FI models.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

SunnySideUp wrote:
I also replaced that magnetic coil in the Dist Cap because the wire was frayed and lost all of its insulation
Just for fun... carefully put the old magnetic coil in and see if the car will start/stay running. If it does run, then the new coil is bad. It's rare, but it happens. In my experience, AR is very good about replacing a faulty part as they stand behind everything they sell.
So the old one pretty much fell apart while I was pulling it out. However. “just for fun” I did flip the magnet over and put everything back together and it started rough at first but has started all night since. I’m pretty sure that was the problem!!! Even though Autoricambi told me to install the magnet with the line on the magnet pointed up. It was totally the opposite that actually worked.

I have a little low RPMs each time I start it but if I give it gas it actually levels out itself and idles at about 15000 rpms. I wonder if I replace the entire distributor (buy the prebuilt one) if that may fix this initial idling problem. However I’m just so pumped it starts again!
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Thank you SO much to SunnySideUp and tima01864 for giving me the idea to check these things! You guys rock!
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

That is very strange about the insulator. High idle could be air leaks or you just need to adjust the idle and check the timing with a timing light. I bought a battery operated timing light, but do a search there are other methods. Also what Spider2081 suggested
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by spider2081 »

I did flip the magnet over and put everything back together and it started
Is seems to me whether the magnets line point up or down depends on the manufacturer of the pick up coil and the magnet. The base of the pick up coil is not exactly symmetrical. The shape of the magnetic is not exactly symmetrical. Carefully aligning the two so their shapes are similar has worked for me. Sometimes when reinstalling a used magnet the line is no longer visible so aligning by shape is the only option.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

tima01864 wrote:That is very strange about the insulator. High idle could be air leaks or you just need to adjust the idle and check the timing with a timing light. I bought a battery operated timing light, but do a search there are other methods. Also what Spider2081 suggested
So after driving it around town a bit more I noticed idle is only high when the car is in neutral when in gear and clutch is released it sounds pretty normal at about 10,000 to 15,000 rpms

I will look for air leaks and also Google search this timing light. I do not have one or know how to use it yet.
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Your car is a: 1983 FIAT Pininafarina Spider 2000
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

spider2081 wrote:
I did flip the magnet over and put everything back together and it started
Is seems to me whether the magnets line point up or down depends on the manufacturer of the pick up coil and the magnet. The base of the pick up coil is not exactly symmetrical. The shape of the magnetic is not exactly symmetrical. Carefully aligning the two so their shapes are similar has worked for me. Sometimes when reinstalling a used magnet the line is no longer visible so aligning by shape is the only option.
I looked at the AR website and made the same observation. Strange when the orientation was flipped it actually made the difference for him.

I had the orientation wrong and engine would not start. Could be his ignition timing is way off
Patron 2024
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Your car is a: 1981 Spider 2000
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by spider2081 »

Strange when the orientation was flipped it actually made the difference for him.
The direction current flows in a generator's conductor is determined by the polarity of the magnetic field that the conductor passes through. If the magnet in the distributor is installed improperly the pulse generated will be of the opposite polarity of what the ECU needs to operate. I focus on the shape of the pick up coil base and the shape of the magnet. Neither are exactly symmetrical so they exactly align with the magnet is only one orientation. Their shapes are nearly symmetrical but not exactly. Holding them together and closely observing their outer edges it becomes evident which way the magnet should go. So far this has worked for me.
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