Register News 04/2021

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Posts: 485
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:34 am
Your car is a: 69 AS Spider
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Register News 04/2021

Post by rdv »

Hi at all,

the latest stock from our database has been uploaded to April 1st, 2021, there are now 17,262 Spider documented.

What's new or interesting:
- 677 new or modified vehicles in the last 3 months
- approx. 510 new or modified photos from the last quarter
- the quarterly statistics are updated and published in the download area.
- the Nations Ranking shows for the first time a Spider from Madagaskar (RM), nation no. 99!
- New statistics as a summary on the updates of the last 3 months by type, region and color
- Engine statistics already show 6 non-FIAT engines (i.e. Mazda Miata and Chevy Small Block)
- The transmission statistics show a proportion of automatic transmissions of less than 5% over all vehicles
- the forum section Instructions / Help to the Register (FAQ) continues to grow
- Special thanks go to Holger (D), Borje (S) and Mirko (LE Spider) for their type- or country-specific support with vehicle data!
- And last but not least: Thank you all here who has given me your car data (plus picture plus history etc ..)

As always everything can be discovered via the register home page:

Have fun discovering! And: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Ciao, Ralf
69 AS Spider
the Worldwide Spider Register
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