I've a '75 with a 5 speed manual. I'm trying to identify the sensors/switches/electrical items coming out of the trans. Unfortunately nothing seems to fit in the manuals and wiring diagrams I have. I've just ordered a diagram from Midwest so maybe that will have an answer, but figured I'd ask the group

I'm 99% sure this is the reverse switch:

The reverse lights on the car were not working when I started this process so this is obviously something to look into. What's odd is that it looks like the PO replaced the switch with one from a later model? The yellow wire coming out of this wasn't actually hooked up to anything in the car's electrical...
I'm not sure what this one is - it's on the passenger side in the center of the transmission:

It has the numbers 0343 & 8b on it. As you can see the two wires are in tough shape. The ground was attached directly back to the trans (via a terrible slice job), and the positive had a rubber sheath (heat shielding?) on it.
Anyone know that this mystery electrical is?