My Car
1980, 5spd
Stock 83 block and pistons
80 2 ltr head with a very mild port (removed casting flash, smoothed sharp edges of the combustion chamber, gasket port match) SS exhaust valves and new 3 angle grind, stock 1800 cams
FIAT Chroma turbo head gasket
Marks head stud kit
450cc DSM (first gen) injectors
Toyota COP
Lancia 8V turbo manifold and FIAT spec garret T25.
2,5" downpipe connecting to stock exhaust at location of cat
8V Integrale intercooler
Marks performance clutch
The car has done a couple thousand km and seems to be settling in well! It currently runs 6 lbs of boost and it HUGE FUN to drive

In respect for the transmission and diff, I try to keep out of boost in 1st gear and am gentle in 2nd. However 3rd, 4th, and 5th at WOT are fantastic and I want more!
Questions for you both (and any others with experience) as I believe you have both turboed relatively stock cars.
1. What is the max psi (I know this is a poor indicator but I cannot measure much else) are you running on a daily basis?
2. Do you have any experience with driveline failures? Areas to look out for?
3. My real question. As long as I keep it to 6lbs, can I drive it like I just robbed a bank without too many worries
