Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

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Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by mamsterla »

Today I decided to remove the surface rust in the space under the wiper panel. It has the vent and mine was just ugly. I had researched the task and decided to use POR products - the metal prep and then POR-15 black. This space is covered, so I did not mind painting it black (cue the Stones).

Here is the sequence:

Before: you can see the surface rust all over this area

During: here you can see post the metal prep. I also used a steel wire brush to help the metal prep do its thing. After the metal prep, I sanded with a block and brought out the dremel with a wire wheel attachment to get some of the corners. It really removed almost all the rust in 20-30 minutes


After: here it is after 2 coats of POR-15 black. I could have done some removal of the good original paint, but the POR-15 did cover it with the second coat.

1969 Fiat 124 Spider AS0012768
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Re: Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by AriK »

Great work!
I had good luck with Por15 myself.
Many folk speak against it and have other prefences (they claim it peels away) but i believe that not enough attention was taken on the prep. Most effort should be on the prep rather than the Por15 application: Five years later, after inspection, the Por-15 still doesn't disappoint, still adheres and maintains a blinding shine.



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Re: Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by mamsterla »

I am thinking I may do the floorboards down the road. Mine has some rust, though I think a little less that what you have shown. I am not happy with the old padding in there. I will probably just tear it all out, get new carpet and get some of the modern deadening material. Thanks for posting. Looks like a good thing to do in the not too distant future.
1969 Fiat 124 Spider AS0012768
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Re: Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by AriK »

I was really pleased with how the job was progressing. Much of the first photo shows rusted residue and rotted jute & tar that was left at the surface from decades of neglect. I guess that’s where the typical Fiat smell we’re all familiar with originates from. From start to finish (assuming 2-3 hrs a day after work) including carpet washing, reconditioning the delicate wire loom, grinding and proper drying time before the 3rd step Por15, it took about a week.
The results were very satisfying. There was a tiny weak spot around a drain hole that required strengthening with fibreglass cloth.
Obviously it’s a job that should be done sooner than later since the effects are irreversible.
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Re: Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by QuebecFiatSpider »

Great looking job Arik, congratulations :) I'm planning to do my floor also next year like you did...
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Re: Cleaning up the space under the wipers today

Post by baltobernie »

How about top-coating your work with some original red paint? Brush application would be fine. POR-15 says that their product degrades under sunlight. I don't know if the product weakens, discolors, or? but they do add this caution on their label.
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