Back to original paint or keep it red?

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Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by moses »

So I want to get everyone's opinion on this before I go in any particular direction.

I'm restoring this '76, and much to my surprise, I missed that it was originally brown, according to the paint code.


This dummy should have noticed the engine bay is obviously a different color than the body.


My goal for restoring this car is ultimately sell it to someone who would appreciate it as a collector's or leisure/sentimental car. As much as I'd appreciate owning it permanently, I'd rather sell it in the end.

That being said, I think the red cherry paint job it has looks pretty nice. But do Fiat enthusiasts prefer strict authenticity? Should I go back to the Dark Brown (paint code 797)? Personally, I don't care one way or the other, but of course I could save a pretty penny not respraying the whole thing. I know if it was a Corvette, I would have no choice but to make the car look exactly as it did rolling out of the factory, but wasn't sure in the Fiat's case.
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by aevansgatech »

Two thoughts:

1. Does it need a paint job? You say the cherry red currently looks good. Regardless of originality or not, if the car doesn't need a paint job then don't spend the money on it.

2. I think Brown is an exceptional color on this car. If the car needs a paint job to sell, or if I had the car and was going to keep it, I would go to the original brown.
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by moses »

aevansgatech wrote:Two thoughts:

1. Does it need a paint job? You say the cherry red currently looks good. Regardless of originality or not, if the car doesn't need a paint job then don't spend the money on it.

2. I think Brown is an exceptional color on this car. If the car needs a paint job to sell, or if I had the car and was going to keep it, I would go to the original brown.
Besides a few small rust spots, the paint is in great condition. I'm assuming it was resprayed not too long ago.
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by AriK »

My opinion:
Keeping it red will make it sell more quickly, that same vibrant red you already have. This is not a high profile brand as is the Corvette for keeping it the way it was when it rolled off the factory floor. Although the brand is gaining more value with the introduction of the 2017 Fiat 124 Spider, i would not restore this brand of vehicle for the sole purpose of flipping it.

Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by dom »

If you are restoring this car for fun, learning and because you have extra money then keep going. But if you think that there is money to be made then do yourself a favor.....light up your barbecue, when it's good and hot start placing hundred dollars bills on the grill, up to $2000 , and watch them go up in smoke. Next give the car away for free including delivery. Now reward yourself and take a nice vacation with the money you saved.
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by PhillySpider »

I can tell you the first thing I'd do is wrap a rope around the drivers side front bumper, attach it to a tow hitch or tractor and pull out that collapsed bumper shock. Worked for me on my rear bumper...very happy! I used my tractor.
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by Nanonevol »

...or push in the other side. :)
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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by aj81spider »

If you are restoring this car for fun, learning and because you have extra money then keep going. But if you think that there is money to be made then do yourself a favor.....light up your barbecue, when it's good and hot start placing hundred dollars bills on the grill, up to $2000 , and watch them go up in smoke. Next give the car away for free including delivery. Now reward yourself and take a nice vacation with the money you saved.
+1 on that. I would say I tripled the value of my car in my restoration. I bought it for X, it's now worth 3X and I spent 10X getting it there!

It was a great experience and I have a nice car that I can be proud that I brought back from poor condition. I'm not likely to ever sell it, but if I do I'll lose my shirt.

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Re: Back to original paint or keep it red?

Post by DieselSpider »

Mine needs paint and the bad current paint removed first. My daughters want me to return it to the original light blue metallic.
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