Then the guy leans into my car and says "I don't speak french!" Almost pissed myself.

You got to love these parts of Quebec!
So the place was full of old chrome, which would have dwarfed my spider, but off to the side there it was, the one car that would make mine look great...

Things were going great until...

Chatted with this gentleman about his British roaster while he polished every inch of it. He was bragging that he put over 350 miles on it last year. I told him that I put 3,800 miles on my car last year. He then asked me if I had a car there, to which I pointed to my Spider which was next to his. He says with a glance "oh a Fiat" and continued shine his car"

One in every crowd!
All in all I had a good time, great cars, great people and lotsa chrome.

A few teaser pics...

Plus some nice trucks....


To see all the rest of the pics
http://s1342.photobucket.com/user/68spi ... ow/Venosta