I have to date:
1. Stripped interior and rust shielded it and put in new sound deadening.
2. Rebuilt the dash wood.
3. Fixed the wipers, brake lights, turn signals, and replaced the heater valve.
4. Repaired the top frame and repainted with rustshield, put new top on.
5. Put in new gear reduction starter, radiator, carburetor, water pump, distributor, coil, plugs and wires, tried a Petronix electronic ignition but the advanced springs on the old dizzy were not the correct ones so I got a new dizzy but the Petronix didn't work on it the center shaft was considerably less in diameter (but thats another story).
6. Put in reconditioned 1800 intake manifold.
7. Had the fuel tank reconditioned, I painted it put in a new sending unit.
8. Changed the oil and tranny oil.
9. Bought a really cool FIAT key chain

After all this I can not get it started. I did everything I was supose to do I set the engine to TDC (using #4) then put the dizzy in with the rotor on the #4 contact. I set the points to 0.45mm. I shot some carb cleaner into the carb tried to start. Nothing repeated this after repositioning the dizzy a little Nothing! A few more tries and I gave up

So now I give up and take it a mechanic that will look at it.
Well I have to thank you all for being so great