Doesn't it just drive you nuts when you cannot remember how you took it apart due to time and other things in life hampering our spider projects

I know this an old thread but I ran into this issue today.. bad ground wires strike again !!! LOLseabeelt wrote:The mystery black wire, assuming its on the left side of the trunk is a ground wire. Try connecting that and see if it solves your problems. Sounds similar to an issue my son had with his tail lights. Ended up being that particular wire was loose.
My entire taillight harness was so filthy that I built a new one from scratch and threw the old one in the bin. Not sure what happened, but everything was just caked with black crud. Really simple harness to build, took maybe 20 minutes. Food for thought.Franziskaner wrote:I know this an old thread but I ran into this issue today.. bad ground wires strike again !!! LOLseabeelt wrote:The mystery black wire, assuming its on the left side of the trunk is a ground wire. Try connecting that and see if it solves your problems. Sounds similar to an issue my son had with his tail lights. Ended up being that particular wire was loose.