So now that I've got enough hours on the motor to feel okay floggin' it abit, I took her out to see how many RPM I can get out of her.
I was holding the cel-phone cam in my left hand, and steering with that one too, so the video is shaky, and bumpy....
Now, before the flaming starts: this motor was painstakingly lightened and balanced. All the tricks we used to use in the SuperBike days were used on this one. I see no reason the bottom end won't take it.
The oil gauge is JACKED-UP. I've put a real gauge on it, and verified plenty of pressure. that crappy FIAT thing needs to go.
The Purple cams are good. really good. But I'm going to dial 'em back abit. The intake is installed at 3d advanced, to try to get a little more meat into the mid-range. But there is PLENTY of midrange! So I'm going to back it off and see if I can get a little more top end out of it.
I'm also going to put in 36mm chokes on the 44idf's, instead of the 34's that are there now. At 4k' I'm limited by the amount of air I can get into the cylinder.
And finally: I need a Tachometer that'll go abit higher....