Working up template for a shield to direct heat away from air filter, before cutting a 2.5" hole in body sheet metal between passenger side headlight & radiator for direct cold air into filter.
Need a deep bi-metal 2.5" hole saw to cut a 2.5" hole in body sheet metal between passenger side headlight & radiator for direct cold air into filter.
With pilot drill, hole saw through inner panel, center roughly in triangular raised area in panel. CHECK before sawing through outer panel. Saw will not reach top circumference of outer panel, so grab this piece with vise grip and twist until the rest of the circle breaks out. File off rough edges; treat w/Mar-Hyde or other rust prev.
3X3" galvanized 1/4" hardware cloth keeps out large leaves, stones, etc. Mark and drill for sheet metal screws in 4 corners. Cold air should now be pulled/forced into filter based on speed of car. (Now to fit a heat deflector.)