Why Are There No FLU Events Out West?

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Re: Why Are There No FLU Events Out West?

Post by SunnySideUp »

FIAT Club America (formerly Fiat Lancia Unlimited - FLU) is soliciting input and interest of having Fiat FreekOut on the West Coast in 2015! Check it out on the FLU forum and get your input in!

:arrow: http://forum.fiatclubamerica.com/viewto ... f66e16d130

Personally, I'm up for any So Cal location, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Denver, Phoenix, Dallas-Fort Worth. Help bring the FreekOut west of the Mississippi !!!

Re: Why Are There No FLU Events Out West?

Post by Daniel »

One thing i encountered setting up club outings from time to time in the past was the distance issue so many are
not locals who own 124s and apart of this forum but there are a number of people who don't keep up with FS.com as
much. I've turned a couple dozen onto FS.com over the years but few have much interest in spending time on the
web for a car or club events. Another problem when it comes to getting people to join the FLU is the hard core
Fiat and Lancia groupies are already apart of a club and seem to be happy to keep it that way. Lancia guys want
to hang with lancias, X1/9ers want to hang with X1/9s ect from some feed back but other have expressed interest
in a lager venue.

My Buddy met someone a couple years ago with a 124 told him about a Fiat club, gave him the
contact info to get in touch ( wasn't Socal FLU btw) The Leader/Guy running that club started bad mouthing me
and SOCAL FLU. The new Guys Reply after this encounter when asked if he wanted to join the group was "If that is what car
clubs are all about I don't want anything to do with it..."
I'm not trying to sound negative or gossip about anyone but more then a few people i've spoken with have had
some issues with the same guy running this club. I have heard the problems they have with him and why they
no longer show up to the events etc. I can say from my limited experience that planning events isn't easy when
it's laid of the shoulders of just a couple people. Maybe this is part of the reason for the lack of success out here.

Anyhow I would love to be apart of a club or join one I'm even willing to support it in some limited way when i
can so if others have enough interest in this now would be the time to say so and spread the word with summer
approaching. A few people said that Night events would be great during the summer with the heat waves that
hit socal.
So Cal Mark

Re: Why Are There No FLU Events Out West?

Post by So Cal Mark »

night time events are difficult in So Cal due to traffic and travel time. As Daniel mentioned, the Fiat community is fragmented here, with each model having its' own following. Many of the new 500 owners have little interest in the older models. Before I left FLU, I was advocating a west coast event but had virtually no response or interest

Re: Why Are There No FLU Events Out West?

Post by Daniel »

I think the 500s would be a good source for new membership if there was a reason to be motivated
at events but with limited numbers which = limited resources not many options can be placed on the
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