Hiya from the frozen north (Minnesota)!

If you just registered, post a brief greeting in here.
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Joined: Mon May 30, 2022 7:30 pm
Your car is a: 1980 Fiat 124 Spider

Hiya from the frozen north (Minnesota)!

Post by ZoeBerlin »

Hi everyone! :D

I'm the new, proud caretaker of a 1980 carb'ed spider 2000 with the automatic. This is my first Fiat, and my first project car, so I'm excited to learn from all of you (sorry if I ask obvious questions). I've already got the Brooklands and the wiring diagram, but assistance is always appreciated.

It's been a dream for me to own one of these since I was in college. I'm finally in a place where a great deal and free garage space came together, and I'll upload photos once I figure out how.

Dear Click & Clack
It has been my observation over the years that, if you take a carburetor (or a Volkswagen engine) apart and put it together enough times, you will eventually have two of them
Posts: 3829
Joined: Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:23 pm
Your car is a: 1969 and 1971 124 spiders
Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Re: Hiya from the frozen north (Minnesota)!

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Welcome, and feel free to ask any questions. No question too big or too small.

As for posting pictures, you can't upload them to this site directly, but you can upload them to your favorite photo hosting service (imgur, flickr, Google photos, etc.) and then link to that web address in your post on this forum.

Posts: 485
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:34 am
Your car is a: 69 AS Spider
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Re: Hiya from the frozen north (Minnesota)!

Post by rdv »

Hi Zoe,
and welcome on board!

You are not alone in your northern State! Minnesota got 102 cars in the worldwide Spider Register, see here:
https://www.fiatspider.de/register?Nati ... ective=All

Is your car already listed? If not, it would be great to get your VIN and a pic?! We always want to see some pics of your car! :D

Cheers Ralf
69 AS Spider
the Worldwide Spider Register
Be part of it and register your car(s). Starting point here:
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