The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

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The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by DaveA »

Hi all, before I go and spend another £9 plus postage from somewhere in Europe or the US, which is the right size for a 2 litre injection car?

The UK supplier and apparent Spider specialist sent me 2 ( I always buy a spare to put in the boot/trunk) 10x1050’s ...just too small with the alternator hitting the block and it still wont go on. If it did, i fear the load on the alternator bearing and water-pump would be a problem. So ordered a 10x1075...the opposite just that too big, can get the tension but once its warmed up and settled, it will slip Im sure and there is no more adjustment in the slide/slot without filing it longer.

So the options are 10x1060, but then I found a 9.5x1055 listed for the 1800/2000 engines...but its in the US and is $31 postage on top of the reasonable purchase price.

Just for note, its the original alternator.
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Re: The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

If you look at the Gates website (, the belt that comes up for a 1981 Fiat spider is: ... 07417.html

I would think anyone who stocks that belt #7417 (or can order it) will work. Or the equivalent. Note that the length is apparently 1054mm.

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Re: The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by davidbruce »

On my 1980, 2 litre with a Bosch 65 amp alternator which I believe is original. I have a belt marked: 15420 Matchmaker 11AV1055. The alternator sits almost exactly in the middle of the adjustment slot. I believe this is 11mm x 1055mm.
Dave Kelly
Campbell River B.C.
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Re: The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by spider2081 »

I have had good luck removing a belt and bringing it to an auto parts store. They measure it and provide me a with a replacement.
I was going to say they "give me a replacement" but I have always had to pay.
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Re: The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by rridge »

Just put a Gates 7417 belt on my '81. I've always found the Gates catalog to be accurate.
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Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:48 am
Your car is a: 1981 spider 2000 injection

Re: The right size fanbelt!! 1980 2ltr injection

Post by DaveA »

Thanks all,

Found a supplier with stock in the uk. Really appreciate your help

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