What does this hose do?

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What does this hose do?

Post by DaveA »

Hi, started work on my spider 2000 and found a loose hose coming off the intake plenum and it looks to go in the direction of a bracket that looks like it one held some sort of bottle? The bracket is square shaped and located on the inner wing at the front, near the washer bottle. When the engine runs is drawing air in, but wondered what it connected up to? Ive found a picture of a 2000 Turbo engine bay (i think) and the square looking box is there in it. Sorry, but cant work out how to post a picture from my phone

Im presuming it needs to be blocked up as it must be affecting the A/F ratio
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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by DaveA »

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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I'm not very familiar with the '81 model years, but could this hose be to the vapor canister? Also known as the charcoal canister, or in modern terms, the EVAP system. It captures fuel vapors (rather than release to the outside air) and then releases them into the intake system to be burned.

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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by aj81spider »

The square looking black box in that photo is the vapor canister. It's actually a useful thing to have. As Bryan said it's used to capture fuel vapor and then release it into the engine to be burned. Without it you may have to deal with gas smell in the garage (ask me how I know).

You probably do need to cap off the line if it's not there, as it will be an unmetered air source. The cannister itself does have a metered top that controls the air flow through the unit. They are pretty easy to find, and if you have an old worn out one the charcoal is pretty easy to change (a search on this forum will find threads that show you how to do it).

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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by DaveA »

Ok thanks all, :D

Will have a look out for one. Took the radiator and washer bottle out today (changing the water pump and cam belt - its been stood for 10 years!) and found another loose hose that looks like it would go in the bottom of it. Want it to be right, so will see if I can get one in the UK. Is it 124 spider specific or a generic Fiat part? Like say off a 131 or 132? Spider parts are not that common over here
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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by aj81spider »

I don't know if it's Spider specific, but functionally I don't think it's that important. Something off another Fiat should probably work if it has the same input and output ports. It's just a can of charcoal that absorbs gas vapors then discharges them into the engine.

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Re: What does this hose do?

Post by TX82FIAT »

Vapor Canister, do you smell any gas when you open the hood or at other times. I ran my7 81 for two years before buying and installing the cannister. never noticed any fuel smell during that time.
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