Register News 01/2021

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Posts: 485
Joined: Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:34 am
Your car is a: 69 AS Spider
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Register News 01/2021

Post by rdv »

Hi at all,

the latest stock from our database has been uploaded on January 1st, 2021, there are now 16,805 Spider documented. What's new or interesting:

- 366 new or modified vehicles in the last 3 months

- approx. 310 new or modified photos from the last quarter

- the quarterly statistics are updated and published in the download area.

- the statistics per type have been extended to include the following fields:

-- Delivery target

-- Type bumper

-- Type gearbox

-- Type motor

- the Nations Ranking shows for the first time a Spider from Tunisia (TN) and Ivory Coast (CI)

- the forum section Instructions / Help to the Register (FAQ) continues to grow

As always everything can be discovered via the register home page:

Have fun discovering!

Ciao, Ralf
(complete engine list for all types will follow..)
69 AS Spider
the Worldwide Spider Register
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