Car wont start

Gotta love that wiring . . .
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Car wont start

Post by 69fiat124 »

Hello everybody,
I have run into a problem with my 69 124 Spider. It wont start. It clicked once then stopped. I have done a multi meter test and I have confirmed that the battery works and the fuses work. I think it might be the starter motor, but I do not know how to test since it is buried under the intake manifold. According to the Haynes manual I have, it says to test the starter by having the headlights on, the problem is the headlights dont work. Any suggestions?

Palos Verdes, California
1969 Fiat 124 Spider
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Re: Car wont start

Post by bobplyler »

Does it click now?

The headlights are wired through the ignition switch, and won't come on unless the switch is on.

Could be multiple things. Bad ground, bad starter, bad battery, bad ignition switch.

Need more details.
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Re: Car wont start

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I agree with the above post that we need some more details.

Try starting the car with the windshield wipers turned on, as well as the blower (fan) motor inside the car. If both of these really slow down when you turn the key to start, then the problem is likely a weak battery, bad battery connections or a poor ground. There are some other causes, but these are the most common. Try also measuring the battery voltage when you're trying to start the car. It may read 12 volts or more when just sitting there, but if it drops significantly when you try to start the car, the battery is bad (or just needs a good charge).

If your wipers and ventilation fan don't slow down when you try to start the car, then the problem is likely within the starter motor itself, and a fairly common problem here is that the solenoid is going bad. Could still be a poor ground problem, though.

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