Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Gotta love that wiring . . .
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Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by Topless »

Hi guys, I've searched some forum topics here and found a lot of issues link back to that hazard button. Many topics talk about the hazard button as not being able to stay pushed in, which is not my issue… In my case, the hazard light locks in or out just fine, lights up solid (not flashing) when extended out, and only the rear right light of the vehicle lights up dimly, with no flashing going on. I also have zero flashers or indicators. All exterior lights work fine otherwise I think. Instrument panel has zero light. Fuses all look intact.

My question is should I bother poking around at the hazard light? Folks say it's easy to disassemble and reassemble but I would hate to mess something up if it's as temperamental as they say. I'm also not sure what I'd do once I got it out, spray it with windex and reinstall?

Is there a good diagnosis to determine whether the issue is the hazard button itself or the "flasher"? I put it in quotes because I have no idea what a flasher is, and I think of a guy in a trenchcoat.

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Re: Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Topless, the hazard switch or its relay could be at fault, but much more common is that one or more of your lights (bulbs) are not making good connections. Check all the 4 bulbs that are associated with the hazards and turn signals: front left and right, rear left and right. Also, a very common problem is that a particular light assembly has "lost" its ground connection to the car body, due to rust or just a bad connection developing over the years.

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Re: Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by PaulC »

By the way, the taillight pc board design is terrible as are the "sockets" for the bulbs. (Corrosion, loose, etc.)
Multiple problems with one of ours prompted me to finally get a replacement, used but much better.
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Re: Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by GeorgeT »

Don't forget to check the "flasher" itself. I think it is an aluminum "can" mounted under the dash just to the right of the steering column.
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Re: Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by Topless »

Cleaned up all the grounds I could find... rear left tail light and front fender ground "hubs" on both right and left.
Hazard lights flash in the rear and the dash indicators both light up and click! Front ones aren't working and I wonder if I missed something with the grounds. I did note it was hard to clean the push-on wire connections in front (couldn't get inside where the actual connection occurs). The front parking lights work so I don't think it's the bulbs. Still no turn signals. What would be the next step?

EDIT: I may have found the issue. I may have just realized I actually don't have any front turn signal recepticles. The car is missing the bumper so I thought those holes (one ovular, one rounded square) were for the bumper attachment, but looking again I have only round headlights in front, plus side indicator lights, and no sign of a turn signal light. I did promise in my introduction that my level of car knowledge was super basic! So, yeah. Should there be turn signals in one of these holes? Perhaps in the square holes? Hopefully I can figure out how to wire some new old stock in...
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Re: Yet another flasher/hazard question…

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

Topless wrote:EDIT: I may have found the issue. I may have just realized I actually don't have any front turn signal recepticles.
The turn signal housings (about 2" high by 4" wide) were originally in the bumper, just about right under the headlights. So, if you don't have a bumper, you don't have any turn signal housings, and so I'm pretty sure that's why your front turn signals aren't working! :D

You could probably find some turn signal housings, but then the challenge would be to mount them on the front of your car. I think many people have done different approaches for this, but I have not.

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