3 kinds of tanklids

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3 kinds of tanklids

Post by alfredhamstra »

Hi all, I fix spiders over 20 years now and untill now I thought i seen it all.
But at the moment i fix a 1972 BS spider with an different tanklid then others.
Its not the regular kind seen on CSO, CS1, VX and DS (the one with the spring and the attached clip on the car)
Its also not the one of the AS spider, with the clip on the tanklid itself.
This one has got a spring, like CS0, and connects on the inside back of the fuelopening with two holes for screws
My question: I need the matching tanklid, can anybody help me?

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I have a '71 BS spider, and I just took a look at my setup. The hinge for the tanklid (gas cap lid) is apparently welded to the metal "well" that the gas filler tube sits in. I know that is hard to picture, but what it means in practice is that the hinge is essentially welded to the body, and unless you start breaking welds or cutting metal, it can't be removed. The spring for my hinge goes between the hinge assembly and the base of the gas filler "well". I also note that my '71 spider does not have the two holes in the rear that you can see in your picture. So, I'm not sure what's going on.

As far as your question, I think you are looking for a tanklid (gas cap lid), yes? I can't help you there as I don't have any spare ones, but maybe someone does. Or eBay?

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by geospider »

sorry to jump this post, but how the hell is the spring attached to the door/lid.
driving me nuts

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by RRoller123 »

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

geospider wrote:sorry to jump this post, but how the hell is the spring attached to the door/lid.
driving me nuts

RRoller's excellent picture above shows how, and this is the way it works in my '71 and '69 spiders. I always thought it was a goofy design, but it does seem to work. Just don't break that spring.

What would be cool is if I could find a 3 inch long version of those gas struts used for trunks and hoods, and figure out how to mount that for the gas cap lid. I did this on my '69 trunk lid with a single gas strut: Pop it open a few inches, and it slowly opens the rest of the way. EDIT: Actually, this would require a locking mechanism for the gas lid, which it doesn't have. So maybe it wouldn't work. Darn... But an electrically activated release mechanism with a gas strut, so that when you pressed a button the gas lid would flip open, now THAT would be cool....!

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by geospider »

1st: let the Kindigit guys figure out your idea.

2nd: I see the pic, but trying to get the hooked piece into the door side of that is a pita, or my fingers just dont work anymore.
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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

geospider wrote:...trying to get the hooked piece into the door side of that is a pita, or my fingers just dont work anymore.
Your fingers are fine. It's just a PITA, sorry to say...

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by geospider »

Thanks, my other "friends" blame me.
I'll keep trying. But have a Ford truck to fix
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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

No worries. I'm also restoring a '69 Chevy C10 pickup, affectionately known as Zeke The Deep Breather. Zeke doesn't take too kindly to weak individuals (he backfires at them) or to people that disrespect him. He tends to leak radiator fluid or oil over such folks. A truck with attitude, as you can imagine. And you thought Fiats were a handful...

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Re: 3 kinds of tanklids

Post by alfredhamstra »

thanks all for the replies.
Unfortunatly I dont see anybody having the same fuellid.
I will look if I can make it work somehow

greetings from Holland
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