Which cam to get?

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Which cam to get?

Post by 70spider »

In the process of getting the last parts for my 1608 rebuild. I am still perplexed on which cam to get. So I was wondering which intake cam would be best for my application. The motor is a 1608 which will be bored to 80.4mm with 9.4:1 comp pistons, the cylinder head has oversize valves, Isky springs, bronze valve guides and has been ported and polished by Midwest-124. I would like a cam that will idle well, I think one that works best between 3k and 5K, which is were I generally drive at. I have talked with others and they feel the 1608 works best with the stock exhaust cam coupled with a performance intake, so which one? I have found a few from our vendors:
1. From Midwest-Bayless: http://midwest-bayless.com/p-12017-d-24 ... n-new.aspx
http://midwest-bayless.com/p-12012-d-23 ... n-new.aspx

2. From Allison's: 285V - street performance, power range 2800 rpm - 6800 rpm, slightly lumpy idle. Specs: 285 duration, .385 lift.
274FI - street performance for the fuel injected engine. This cam makes great torque from 2000 rpm - 6000 rpm. Specs: 274 duration, .385 lift.
284V - Stage 1 - performance cam for engines with mild modifications; free flow exhaust, higher compression and more carburetion than stock. This cam will make great power from 3500 rpm to 6500 rpm. Specs are 280 duration with a .397 lift.

3. And from AutoRicambi: http://www.autoricambi.us/product/CH2-1 ... -Camshaft/
Anyone with testimonials for these cams would be very helpfull. Thanks.
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Re: Which cam to get?

Post by vandor »

My 1608 ran very well with an Italian 40-80 cam on the intake side. Maybe ask the vendors if any of those cams are similar in profile? It needs to be a relatively mild cam.

The same cam will seem wilder the smaller the engine. One that is a mild street performance cam in a 2 liter will seem much wilder in a 1600.
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Re: Which cam to get?

Post by 70spider »

Thanks Csaba
1970 Fiat Spider 124 Sport aka "Pesto"
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