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Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:41 pm
by rjkoop
Due to the continuing mild weather here decided to tackle the door locks and window crank noise. Solved the window crank noise with lubricant and cleaning. No dismantle required!
Took the door locks out because they don't work. Here's a few pics for reference.
Door panel removed...
Removing door handle pin...
Inside of door handle (driver's side)...
Using 8mm wrench to remove bolts for door handle (passenger side)...
Prying off plastic bracket (passenger side - this one broke! argh!)...
One of the door handles...
Video of lock mechanism... ...
So looks like the lock spindle was turning but the door wouldn't lock. Everything seemed connected. So a few questions...
1. Why didn't the door lock? I was manually turn the door lock and pulling the handle opened the door (ie. didn't lock)? The key turns but doesn't seem to lock the door.
2. Where do I get the replacement plastic piece that broke?! Argh! Do I have to get from AR or would something similar work? I hate waiting for shipping to Canada.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:24 am
by DieselSpider
The one on my drivers side door is giving me trouble locking with the key unless I press the inside door handle down after exiting the car and then after I close the door behind me it locks using the key just fine so I have a feeling that it may be part of the inside door lever that is at the root of the problem and not the outside handle or lock core.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:54 am
by rjkoop
DieselSpider wrote:The one on my drivers side door is giving me trouble locking with the key unless I press the inside door handle down after exiting the car and then after I close the door behind me it locks using the key just fine so I have a feeling that it may be part of the inside door lever that is at the root of the problem and not the outside handle or lock core.
Never thought about that. Maybe the inside handle is stuck or stiff causing the issue. Thanks.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:59 am
by rjkoop
Found the plastic ends on... you guessed it... Autoricambi! ... -Rod-Ends/
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:24 am
by spiderdan
We need a

Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:33 am
by rjkoop
spiderdan wrote:We need a

Hmmm.... Interesting idea. Coincidentally this week on Dragon's Den this company presented their pitch. ... llion-deal
They are already grossing $6.5 million in sales. Apparently they bring performance auto parts in from the States and resell in Canada. I guess they buy in bulk and minimize brokerage fees and taxes to make a profit.
Maybe we could contact them to buy from AR in bulk and then we buy from them in Canada.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:23 am
by nibbes123
Hey Richard nice legs on the video of the lock mechanism.

Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:38 am
by rjkoop
nibbes123 wrote:Hey Richard nice legs on the video of the lock mechanism.

Hehe. Yep, wondering if anyone would notice that. It's one of those porno... I mean Victoria Secret... catalogues we get in the mail... honest!

Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:07 pm
by Broadsword
I had the same problem on my Montecarlo.
By adjusting the length of the rod that connects the door handle lock barrel to the actual lock mechanism in the door strike, this solved the problem.
So the plastic bit that broke would be rotated on the threaded rod a couple of times.
Hope this works.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:02 pm
by 80spiddy
Yes. Adjusting that rod until you get the length where it just clicks to lock. If you were to reach your hand in there to help that rod mechanism as you try to lock it, you will find you're probably very close to it locking now. It just needs a little more help.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:34 pm
by rjkoop
80spiddy wrote:Yes. Adjusting that rod until you get the length where it just clicks to lock. If you were to reach your hand in there to help that rod mechanism as you try to lock it, you will find you're probably very close to it locking now. It just needs a little more help.
Ok. I'll take a closer look. After turning the lock mechanism by hand down 2 clicks I tried pulling up hard on the rod and wasn't able to unlock it which seemed kind of strange. I thought I could manually click the door lock mechanism down and then manually pull it up using the rod. Hard to explain. Might take a video...
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:52 pm
by nibbes123
Yes more legs.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:03 pm
by rjkoop
I reinstalled the door handles with the new plastic clips. I can open the door from the inside handle but pulling the outside handle doesn't open the door anymore. Am I doing something wrong (obviously duh!)? Pulling the handle doesn't seem to move the rod (between the 2 plastic clips) up or down at all. Did I put it in the key in the lock position somehow and now the outside handle doesn't do anything (ie. it's locked)? I'm confused how that opening/locking mechanism works. I guess I need more research.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:51 am
by rjkoop
Do the door handles work on either door? Or is there a drivers and a passengers handle? They looked the same to me.
Re: Fixing door locks and window crank
Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:41 pm
by 80spiddy
The rod with the plastic ends only locks and unlocks the door. It doesn't function with the opening of door handle. Make sure your door is not locked with the inside door handle function.