I started by chasing the wiring and cutting out the old radio harness. I discovered the in-line fuse holder that feeds the cigar lighter was missing, that red wire lead was snipped behind the fuse panel, and that the red wire was spiced into the brown (hot in run) wire from C36 connector.

I started the console design using some cardboard templates, a front face and 2 side panels:

I bought a 2'x2' piece of 26 gauge sheet from a hardware store (about $10). Cut out pieces using the templates.

I marked the cutout for the DIN receiver. I used a Dremel cutting disc. I made cuts leaving a bendable tab top and bottom, running horizontally. Once these tabs are bent back, it gives the fascia added rigidity. These bends narrow the DIN opening so it takes a bit of luck to get it right the first time.

Added some self stick foam sheet to the front:

Vinyl cut and stuck! Used Weldwood contact cement. Test fitted the stereo sleeve and stereo to make sure the fit was still good.

Installed the front piece first. The blind screws were tough to install. 2 screws and fender washers (made from the sheet metal) on top. 2 small screws (inside to outside) on each folded back wing; screwed into the lower console edge.

With the stereo fully installed there is a lot of clearance. A word about the stereo....It is a Digital Media Receiver. There is no CD player in the unit so it is not very deep and only weighs about 1 pound.

With the front installed, it was time to fit and cover the side panels. The panels needed some minor modifications to fit just right. I wanted their front edges to slide behind the front's wings for a cleaner look. Driver side harder to work into place.:

Finished look

I am quite pleased with the way this turned out (never made an interior component before). Nicer than the ragged used consoles I have seen on Ebay. Stereo sounds terrific and plenty of volume for top down freeway cruising

It took a lot more time than I envisioned! A lot of fitting and trial and error. The speaker install was a pita; limited work/elbow space, warped panels, predrill and screw and remove and add cover and align and screw.

Someone recently remarked that interiors are fun