Hi all. I am in the process of doing the water pump on my '76 1800, so of course "while I'm in there" doing the cam belt and taking the opportunity to clean up the engine bay and get rid of all the smog crap I can, starting with the smog pump. Since mine came with the exhaust cam driven pump, I also had the cam belt cover that accommodated the dual-belt pulley. I picked up a single belt pulley on eBay to replace the old one, but now I'm looking for a non-smog cam belt cover that more completely covers the belt. Which year/displacement covers will fit my 1800?
Also, the smog belt cover has two bolt holes by the cooling hose union hole, with another up to the left which connected to a bracket for the pump (arrow). The non-smog covers have the three holes in a triangular pattern around the cooling union hole. Is there a hole in my block to accommodate the third bolt?