Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

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Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by phaetn »

I've seen quite a few videos online of a product called Plasti-dip which is an aerosoled rubber paint. Lots of YouTube videos about it.

It's a completely removeable paint that can either come in a can or by the gallon for use in a sprayer.

The really neat thing about it is that (purportedly) it's completly removeable and doesn't harm the paint underneath. You need to get at an edge (or create one with a toothpick by puncturing the skin, careful not to damage the original paint under it) and then it's just peeled off.

I'm seriously thinking about trying it on the spare tire just to see if it works, then might paint my wheels.

People are using them for custom jobs and then to change stuff out whenever they feel like it.

Last edited by phaetn on Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by fiat218 »

i seen where they did a whole car., on utube
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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by adrians »

Funnily - my son is one of the Australian distributers of Plasti Dip here in Sydney.
We used it on wheels ( on his Skyline R32 ) the paint lasted 12 months without peeling – bright orange / black car, you do need to clean the surface well with grease and wax cleaner. He’s had people pay him to paint the bonnet ( hood ), roof and boot ( trunk ) of their cars in matt black – including a new Toyota 86 and quite a few Audi and Mercedes drivers wanted their front grills sprayed black over the chrome. I done my Lancia race wheels with it and it’s held up to the heat. Last Christmas – sprayed the side panels of the Niki (126) in multicolours – it looks good.
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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by 4uall »


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Re: Plasti-dipL Opinions needed

Post by phaetn »

I tried Plasti-dip on the spare tire and installed it as a colour test. About four coats, and I didn't take as much care as I could have because it was just a test run. I likely didn't let it cure enough between coats, and handled the wheel too much so some of the paint come off in areas. No biggie. There's also a bit left on the tire because I haven't cleaned it yet.

What do people think about the colour? Too red? I'm thinking of taking the plunge and painting all four this weekend. I'd also paint the centre section of the hubcap red for a Fiat dot in the centre...

My wife said it was good, but I need some guys' opinions. I was sort of hoping to tie it in with the red of the driver's racing harness. Colour chouices are very limited with PlastiDip from my local retailer. I supposed I could just go regular spray paint, too, for more selection and get a better tone of red...


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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by spiderdan »

phaetn wrote:some guys' opinion
"This guy" isn't big on the red :cry:
I would think black or navy would look better and not stand out as much.
But hey buddy, it's your car. Whatever you like is best. :wink:
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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by phaetn »

He he he. Yes aesthetics are incredibly subjective. :)

I was looking for a bit of "pop" while keeping the original wheel so was trying to avoid black, as that would just make things look like a lot of tire... Navy blue is a good point, though. I guess it would depend on how well it fits with the car's paint.

I was sort of hoping for a darker red like the tail running light...

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Re: Plasti-dip

Post by focodave »

I'd keep the wheels silver. They look great they way they are, with the hubcaps.
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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by AriK »

That's the great thing about plasti dip, you can trial and error all you want and then click on the "back" button and you're back to your original setting.
I'm the kind of guy who likes a stock look and agree with focodave that the silver wheels look great. On the other hand you can add a little pizzazz in your life and go ahead with the red look for a while until you get tired of it and then revert back to neutral easily. The fact that you have a chrome cap breaks the shock factor. A totally red wheel without the center cap would be ummm.. :shock: the red dot in the middle is not necessary either. In the long term i see you going back to neutral when the novelty wears off. I compare it to a good looking woman who changes her look.
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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by 4uall »

that is awesome. I am inspired to do some on mine :wink: home all day if you want to swing by so I can check them out. where you buying the spray?

these would stand out a little :mrgreen:


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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by 4uall »


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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by phaetn »

Hmmm... Tough call. I like the "zip" of a bright colour and the fact that it's not the whole wheel and is broken up by the hubcap. I have to do SOMETHING because the finish is really off the driver's rear wheel and it rusts. On the one hand I like keeping things stock(ish), on the other hand I like a car to have its own distinct look.

Maybe if I get a nice silver it will be a bit more of a pop. It's certainly cheaper as a regular spray paint. I dunno if I should just go for some nice 14" Cromodoras as a Christmas present.

The Plasti-Dip was an experiment and is neat. Only problem with my application is that the hub caps are a pressure fit and it will always mar the film/dip putting them on and especially prying them off.

Jay, Plasti-Dip is $20 at Pneu Canandienne. Only six coulours. Apparently Home Depot has a similar product by Rustoleum for $10 a can, also only six colours. If you order Plasti-Dip from the States I think there are a lot more colours, gloss levels, pearl finish, etc.

It was worth a try. I'm going to hold off for now...

Thanks for the feedback!

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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by htchevyii »

You can get lots of colors that aren't available elsewhere here:
It is really neat for certain things, my brother in law painted over the peeling hood of his Honda with a carbon fiber look kit. It looks tons better than it did. To spray a whole car is pretty expensive, but can be done by people that aren't capable of painting their car and with a lot less work. In California you cannot buy gallons of Plasti Dip, but Eastwood now sells a CA legal version:
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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by tonyfromjersey »

I'm thinking when my friend comes back from his 30 day deployment he might really enjoy his new pink wheels!

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Re: Plasti-dip: NEW - opinions sought

Post by 81SPIDERMATT »

I knew a guy who knew a guy ..... they did a pink hood on a friends pickup .... never saw it but heard it was quite pink and funny
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