years of cheating show some results.... I'll be getting a set of IDFs (13&15 - not the 68/69/70 series) including the original waffle-inlet manifold and original turtleback aircleaner tonight

I have a 132 C2 000 engine in my car with the cams of a 132 C3 000 - this means higher compression (9:1) and slightly sharper cams (I remember this but not the exact timing) than the stock USified Spider 2000 engine. FI 4-2-1 header (downpipe stainless steel) and PIPER freeflow exhaust (see - and the stock ignition from my '79 Spider including vac advance.
I understood from previous posts, that I can use vac advance from carb 2 or 3 - right?
Re the jets - as a start I've seen:
32mm venturies
idle: 55
main: 135
air correction: 225
pump jet: 40
pump bypass: 50
needle: 175
Let me know your thoughts - I'd appreciate to leverage from your experiences.
Thanks in advance for all your help!