so I took my car for a spin today, first time since getting the exhaust completed from mark's header back to the rear of the car. The motor is very, very rich, 'cuz trying to tune the carbs while holding my ears wasn't working

In two blocks, I shredded a "new" clutch. I'm not sure why. I've got the new flywheel from Miller's Mule, and I put in the newest looking clutch among the ones on my shelf, with its associated pressure plate. For the life of me, I don;t know why it'd bust apart like it did (there are chunks of it in the bottom of the bellhousing where the cover plate bolts to it)
So the trans is coming back out.
and while I was under, I discovered that both front calipers seem to be weeping. I'm not happy about that. I'll chase it a bit, to be sure where they're leaking. I replaced the hoses with Mark's braided hoses, so maybe I've got a problem there? I dunno. I'll look it over closely.
In the meantime: I also wrapped the header, and got a few more things buttoned-up.
I've done all of this in a few minutes here and there, because I still can't find time to really buckle back into it. there are too many other things pulling me away right now. As I type this, I'm in the garage replacing motor mounts on the benz, and my son is waiting for me to help him with Shocks on his car, and I need to do door locks on my wife's car, and ball joints on the benz. plus I've got a bathroom remodel in my basement that I haven't started and needs to be done before school starts in a month, and a cover over the deck that needs to be done before snow flies.
I'm scared I may NEVER see this thing done... let alone get to the 'other' car.

So I'm trying to enjoy ANY progress, no matter how small.
Pics below.