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Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:58 am
by jimmycakes401
I'll try that after I get the dizzy together again
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:30 am
by redcars
If you don't have oil inside of the dissy then your dissy seal is OK. That oil mess that you see at the valve cover is most likely because the o-ring and gasket that seal at the valve cover need to be replaced. Very easy and cheap to do you can buy the gasket or just cut one out of a vanilla folder or envolope. To replace pull the Dissy out and you will see them. Just replace and there you go.
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 3:57 pm
by jimmycakes401
I want to thank everyone for sending me PMs and answering questions. This site is awesome. If all goes well I may be able to get her going in the next few weeks thanks to a lot of awesome people.
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 6:05 pm
by jimmycakes401
Alright. I'm super excited. I received a new advance arm and cap from a kind forum member! Woo! I ordred a rotor from NAPA because that was easiest and cheapest. Does anyone know if they give you bolts and springs with that, because mine launched off. I'm guessing I'll still be stuck here tomorrow when I get it with no bolts.
Also, is it okay to use this cap? Does it matter? Broken one on the top, "new" one on the bottom.

Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 6:47 am
by spider2081
Have you tried Fun Imported Auto and Toys, 143 Tunnel RD Vernon CT. Danny probably has anything you need tel 860 871-1990. Looks like a great weekend coming up. Might be worth the ride to visit him.
Enjoy that Spider
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:06 am
by jimmycakes401
I have not been there yet. I do need to go at some point. It's not too far from my folks. But right now I just don't have any money to spend driving far or on parts. Maybe I'll have my father run over there if my rotor doesn't have bolts.
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:46 am
by jimmycakes401
So, does anyone know if I can use this cap on my 81'? I don't want to plug it in and then worry about breaking something else.
Also, I just picked up my rotor and there are no screws/bolts. I have one screw/bolt and need another. Is there anything else that attaches the rotor to the distributor? Spring or anything. I don't see any listed in my manual, but it doesn't even show the screws.
What a pain. Everything I work on is never assembled before i have to put it back together.

Oh well! If I can source a new screw today at the autoparts store and this cap will indeed fit, I can start driving it today.
I'm the king of emotiocons today.

Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:59 am
by 124JOE
ya i use that cap on my 78
inside the rotor is a brass spring,its just a L shape with the bottom of it round
that end goes up. it holds the rotor on the shaft
you can take the screw you do have to the store and they will help you find the right size
so you can get two.
as for the advance springs you can order new springs from casba"vandor"
or go to the parts house and get a chevy curve kit and use only the small black set
the middle set of springs is for a v6 and the heavy set of springs is for a v8
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:05 am
by jimmycakes401
Awesome. Do you know, is it just two screws that hold on the rotor? I have one, I'm hoping my parts store can find another... The other one is probably stuck in a hole inside my car somewhere. In the body... or... anywhere really. Stuck in my ceiling. Things flew everywhere.
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:12 am
by 124JOE
well i just seen it you need to check if the rotor cap fits in the new cap
if its too small it wont work right,if its too big it wont work at all
yes theres only two screws for your rotor
mine just pushes on yours bolts on
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:53 am
by jimmycakes401
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 11:22 am
by jimmycakes401
Just went to the parts store. No luck on screws. They don't have the size. 4mm I believe. Will have to check other shops. I have one...
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 3:48 pm
by jimmycakes401
Woo! I'll be able to close my glove box now! But I think I'm missing a bolt... lol!!

Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 9:58 am
by 124JOE
i have a ace hardware in town they have metric bolts
Re: 1981 Fiat Spider 2000 - What am I doing!? LOL!!
Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 11:56 am
by jimmycakes401
I've got an ace hardware about twenty minutes away. I'll check that out the next time I head down. Thanks! !