Rotisserie and media blasting questions
Re: Rotisserie and media blasting questions
Curly, that is really close to what I am putting together. Somebody else mentioned center of gravity. I plan to attatch mine in the same place that you did, in the bumper mount holes. Can you tell me if it was balanced when you rolled it over? It looks like the front mount is raised in the picture inside the booth, was that to improve the center of gravity? Thanks to everybody for responding, this has been a real help.
Re: Rotisserie and media blasting questions
Here's the rotisserie I made. I used New Age media to blast my car and had no issues of warpage anywhere. I used a 10 gal. media blaster with medium media. I did most of the blasting outside my garage. I put a tarp down and used a pool skimmer to filter the media when reusing it. I made a box and it work pretty good to blast most of the small stuff. I liked using medium because it breaks down and eventually is fine. Then eventually you can't use it anymore. So I then put the waste in my horseshoe pit. I even had to make a temporary platform to get the car out of the garage. Good luck!