Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
i have adapted the '80 original linkage to the new carburetor... and i have also purchased the "correct" ball and socket linkage from my vendor. the latter of the two is much easier to do, if you can find the part.
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Sorry Mike, I was not able to get a decent picture. The darn choke mechanism is in the way. I'm pretty sure you can figure out what you need to do to make the old linkage fit. After all, I did.

Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Hello all, the Fiat under surgery is mine!! I'm Co200balt's son Steve. So here (hopefully), are some pics of the new intake with gasket, and valve covers cleaned with new gaskets. Water tee gasket replaced too....plugs in place of those lame-o emissions towers, and yellow cover was cleaned too
No pics of carb linkage yet, did that at about eleven tonight and set it on the intake...exciting...

Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
starting to take shape... almost done!
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
SHe is alive. Rush113 (Steve) will have photos a little latter. The little beast just fired right up ! Thanks for all the help guys!
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Took Steve's spider around the block ( OK a few times) after we got the carb and intake swap completed. You guys wer not kidding about the change this swap would make! It is a different car
I am thinking we best take a look at the brakes!
DId have one minor glitch, we used a freeze plug to block the exhaust port (EGR) that is not covered with the 1800 manifold. It did not last too long
A oil drain plug was suggested, but I dont see any threads in there. I would love to hear your suggestions.

DId have one minor glitch, we used a freeze plug to block the exhaust port (EGR) that is not covered with the 1800 manifold. It did not last too long

- Posts: 336
- Joined: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:37 am
- Your car is a: 1979 Fiat Spider
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
I just cut a little piece of aluminum and bolted it on.
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Yeah so i took it around the neighborhood and i already got some old lady to yell "sloooww dooowwnn!!!''
Much better, cant wait for the new exhaust

Much better, cant wait for the new exhaust

Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
take the little old lady for a ride, that'll change her mind 

Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
mark is right... i did this once, and she'll never forget her ride in "that cute little sports car"

Mike with Agnes of Kane, PA

Mike with Agnes of Kane, PA
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Post surgery pics are....
Right here!!

Right here!!

Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
Isn't that Popes' mom, sans makeup and heels?
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
What did you use for blocking off that port that runs through the block?
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
we used a freeze plug. I think it was 1/2inch. I do think i will add a blocking plate or a little JB Weld just to make sure it stays in there.
Re: Another 79 "intakectomy" convertion to 32/36 DFEV
what are your plans for the dipstick tube?
FWIW- i used a dipstick tube from a fuel injected car. bolts really neatly to the cam cover right behind the cam gear.
FWIW- i used a dipstick tube from a fuel injected car. bolts really neatly to the cam cover right behind the cam gear.