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Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2019 10:51 pm
by wetminkey
I had tried to attach my original latches a number of times in the past with several different products meant for the purpose, and they always fell off. I saw a post about the stuff that Allison's sells, RapidFix, and bought some,...
I glued and clamped my vent windows latches (with just a dusting of the second part (powder), and they are STUCK to the vent windows!
Affixed and functional now, after years in the glovebox!
I was really surprised!
I'll bet you'll be pleased with the product too.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:41 am
by DieselSpider
The universal slide on 76994 replacement latches by Doorman get the job done for around $10 if you lost your original ones and are available through your local Advance, OReilly, etc with no shipping and many times no waiting. I didn't have to cut or modify anything to install them. They slide on however an adhesive can be used if you want. ... 17190442-P

Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:10 am
by tcrooks
These are exactly what I have had installed for a number of years. Trying now to get the car back to original.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:01 pm
by tcrooks
Okay I tried the Rapid fix. I tried various thicknesses tore them off, reaffixed, repositioned (cleaning after each application with a razor blade and alcohol). Until I could no longer remove them regardless how hard I tried. Per “Diesel’s” advice, a light dusting of powder, was the best. I’ve got to tell you, these things are solid! They look so much better than the alternatives. If they fall off . . . I have VW latches to install. But looking at those original frames, I really was reticent to take my Dremel cut-off blade to them (it would be hard to replace them now-a-days). They look so good, hope it holds up.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 8:04 pm
by tcrooks
Sorry “Wetminkey” told me the proper application, thanks so much!
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 1:26 am
by wetminkey
I'm really glad that stuff worked for you!
Another member posted about how well it worked for him, and I had great luck with it, so I was glad to recommend it.
I can open my vent windows now without worrying about the latches coming off! And I can even latch them closed,...again, without worrying. I hope you find your's to be just as functional, now.
Spread the word, tcrooks!
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:18 pm
by tcrooks
Well, a month in the hot sun, under a car cover, both wing window latches popped off. I may glue again, but the VW latches are next.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:05 pm
by toyfiats
tcrooks wrote:Well, a month in the hot sun, under a car cover, both wing window latches popped off. I may glue again, but the VW latches are next.
What VW latches are you referring to? I've pretty much given up on glueing the originals. I don't know what the Italian originally used, but I've yet to find something that lasts more than a few months.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 11:47 pm
by tcrooks
See Wetminkey’s message of Nov. 29th below:
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 8:18 am
by DieselSpider
Just be mindful that you need to use 100% alcohol (sometimes called film remover) and not drug store alcohol which is up to 30% water to clean the glass before applying any adhesives. You can also use pure Acetone.
Any minute amounts of oil from your skin, perspiration (even what evaporates from an un-gloved hand) or old adhesive left behind will likely react over time and cause the bond to fail.
Enlisting the services of a automotive glass shop may be the next best step to take before cutting up your window frames. I understand issues from sun which can be greatly amplified by some car covers since I live in the Deep South however there are non-consumer grade adhesives available that will hold up for years that auto glass shops will have better access too along with training and experience in using them.
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:01 am
by tcrooks
Good advise DieselSpider, I did use drug store isopropyl alcohol. I will try again with 100% alcohol film remover. To be continued. . .
Re: Mirrors 81 spider
Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:53 pm
by toyfiats
tcrooks wrote:See Wetminkey’s message of Nov. 29th below:
Thanks. For some reason I thought you might have been referring to another type.