Engine purpose: Better around town Zip, no racing, probably never go over 5500rpms. Want strong midrange acceleration. Don't ever want a Triumph, MG or Miata to pass me around town, back roads, etc.

Starting with:
1981 2L FI
1.) Keeping the FI system.
2.) Keeping the 4-2-1 exhaust system. (just recently replaced most of it)
2.) Adding Lightened flywheel.
3.) Upgrading the ignition.
4.) Changing to Higher CR pistons.
5.) Installing Better midrange Cams.
6.) Replace with Gear Reduction starter.
6.) Blueprint and balance the lower end.
7.) Head work? Here is where I am unsure of what is needed to get the result I want??? Maybe just refurbish it, or do I really need larger valves and porting to get the results I want?
Comments appreciated.