spiderrey wrote:The early cars with the snorkel only going across the engine is adjustable for outside temps. Its turned down when its cold out, then turned forward for warmer temps. i think the later cars with two snorkels had a vacume operated switch inside which opened one snorkel and closed the other.
Ok, I believe I got all the answers I was seeking thanks to baltobernie, mdrburchette and spiderry.
baltobernie, thanks for the original idea and info
mdrburchette, thanks for your photo and info which helped narrow down the answer
spiderrey, thanks for clarification regarding the snorkel on older models vs the newer models.
So, from what I've gathered from this post and as spiderrey clarified, early model snorkels (pre ’74) could be manually rotated up or down depending on weather conditions. Beginning with’74 models like mine, Fiat added an additional air inlet for cool air while maintaining the snorkel for heated air.
The photos below show both versions.
My ’74 snorkel pointing down towards exhaust manifold for warm air.
My snorkel is spot welded in this position.
My ’74 air cleaner with additional “cool air inlet” pointing towards left front
This is the photo that prompted this post. A version of “cold air induction”
Baltomario’s modified his snorkel by cutting the bracket & re-welding it 45 degrees
mdrburchette’s ’72 stock snorkel positioned as OEM. Can be rotated; Up for cool air
and down towards exhaust manifold for warm air (no modification required)
I'm now contemplating on maybe running 2-2 1/2" muffler piping from my air cleaners snorkel inlet to the right front side of the radiator support. There's a couple holes in this area and I'd end up with more of a "ram air induction" set-up. Is there such a thing as "too much air"?