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Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2008 4:36 pm
Your car is a: 1977 Fiat Spider


Post by Baz »

No matter where my controls are I just have heat. Before I tear everything apart...any suggestions where to start. I'm getting a little lazy...

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Joined: Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:20 am
Your car is a: 1979 Fiat Spider Automatic
Location: Lincoln, CA


Post by spidernut »

First, look at where the heater cable connects to the heater control valve (on the right side of the console, up near the firewall). Move the heater control lever and see if the cable is operating properly at the heater control valve. If the cable is off or the bracket holding the cable casing is loose or slipping, the valve could be continually open. If that is still connected firmly but the heater valve isn't opening and closing because the cable isn't moving, check where the cable connects to the heater control lever (you'll have to remove the screws in the console and tilt the console up to check it out. It won't have to be removed. The screws holding the cables are on the under side, in the center of the heater control levers. There's a screw that holds the cable in place at the heater control lever. It also could be loose and be causing the cable to slip. If both ends are secure, but the cable isn't moving, you have a broken cable.
John G.
1979 Spider (Owned since 2000)
1971 124 Sport Spider (Owned since 2017)
1977 Spider (Sold 2017)
1979 Spider (Disposed of in 2017)
1979 Spider (Sold 2015)
1980 Spider (Sold in 2013)
1981 Spider (Sold in 1985)
2017 Spider (Owned since 2019)


Post by Fiat88 »

...or your heater valve is stuck open like mine was. I replaced it with a new valve.
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Joined: Sun May 23, 2010 7:36 am
Your car is a: 1977 FIAT 124 Sport Spider
Location: Monadnock Area, New Hampshire USA


Post by DUCeditor »

Just as an aside to those of us who's seasonal use rarely requires the use of the heater: It is a good idea to open and close the valve from time to time to prevent either it, or the control cable itself, from becoming stuck. I have had that happen in two cars and in both cases it required a more extensive repair than I anticipated.

I regularly move each of the three heater control levers back and forth through their entire range several times.

Italian motorcycles. An Italian car. An Italian wife. What more could a man desire?
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