I'm in the process retoring my 70 Spider and now i've moved on to replacement of the top. I bought one of the cheap ones off Ebay and it came with a set of instructions. While i have no problems following the written instruction, the instructions have been copied so many times by the vendor that the illustrations are not clear at all. I very much need to see a picture of the areas that are rivotted to the top. The paperwork says there are 3 places that need rivotting. My old top did not have any rivots so i can' use it as a guide. I looked at Olberts site but again the pictures of the rivot locations is not clear. Unfortunately for me, no one in my immediate area has a Spider for me to look at for assistance.
This leads me to this question: Can someone please take some detail pictures of their installed top showing clearly where the rivot points are on the top? I'm a visual kind of person so the better details in the photo, the easier it wil be for my pea brain to know what areas the rivots are attached. I'm at a stopping point until i can get help on this issue. I don't want to proceed like a bull in a china store so this will be an exercise in patience until my fellow forum members come to my rescue.
For anyone who can help, please send picture to my email address : NEXTPLAIN@aol.com or post on this thread. I'll be twiddling my thumbs til then- lol