mdrburchette wrote:I thought they were aluminum and used wheel acid on them....not very good for paint.

Denise, did you go all the way down to the magnesium, or just to the "green" anodizing that Cromodora applied to the fresh casting?
Either way, CD-3's respond well to two-stage urethane over epoxy primer. My buddy used Mercedes "Argent" color, then clear. He and I have powder-coated many items on our cars, but he said that powder is too thick for the CD-3 details. The time-consuming part is all the hand-sanding around the nooks and crannies, with care not to round-off the edges.
One thing's for sure ...
you'll never allow some Darryl to mount tires on these rims while you remain in the waiting room

I can just imagine him reaching for a clip-on wheel weight when Denise clocks him with a jack handle