We've been working on a 78 Spider for a soldier that's deployed in Iraq. It's been converted to FI. We just got it back from the paint shop, changing the color from green to black. Next up is a new top and weatherstrip.
this car doesn't have ac, so it's considered a heat storage source. We'll park it inside during the winter and used the stored energy as heat for the shop
That's awesome. If I didn't live a continent away I'd come help. Have you been keeping him updated or will it be a surprise when he gets back?
I was ordering parts from my deployed location, so my wife kept telling me "there's all these boxes showing up at the house." I told her it was TOP SECRET military equipment and not to open it. Too bad after almost 20 years of marriage and 21 years of service and counting she knows I'm full of crap.
we've been keeping him updated regularly with pics, so it won't be a surprise. He's very excited to come home on leave in Aug and drive the car for a couple of weeks
Nice work, that really looks good. I know nothing could cheer me up after being deployed for so long like driving a Fiat when I got home. He'll really appreciate that. Definitely for a deserving person.
it was a complete stock FI system swapped onto the 1800. The car runs well and passed the smog check with flying colors. It's turning into a nice car, after lots of effort. Here are the latest pics of the new top and emblems. Next up is a dash and console
the FI does not require a smog pump or egr. It uses an O2 sensor, catalyst and evaporative system. We took it through the referee system and they approve the modifications and affix a new tag to the door jamb with the required equipment listed
we had the dash recovered in vinyl. The first pics are of the original dash and wood. The latter pics show the newly covered dash and the wood kit we offer