It's just the way I always envisoned they could look. Did you have any clearance problems wit the rubber side boots?
pope wrote:Great, now I gotta sell my old style chrome bumpers and get some new chrome tubes.
ga.spyder wrote:OK, I got mine done and I really like the look .Should have done it long ago.There appears to be a 'sweet spot' when you drill the shocks.The first one I got a drip of oil,I drilled it further back and it was like drilling a Pepsi can! Spewed!! After they were drilled,I couldnt budge them so....I backed against the garage cornerOnce they are broken loose you can adjust by hand.I am going to pin them from below with a bolt and nut ,or a screw. The Ansa tips stick out a little past the rubber part of the bumper,but not bad.Couple of pix:]
Craig, sniff sniff, it looks so beautiful,weep weep I couldga.spyder wrote:All done.My 0-60 times are improved by 1 second,handling is 100% better,and.....OK,maybe not!!The car looks great with the bumpers tucked.I used thru-bolt w/ nut to pin them in place.Clearance on the sides is about 1/4'' ,front and back. For the money spent($0),it is one of the best cosmetic improvements I have done on the car.Thanks to speedracer and pintopower for bringing it up.I dont know if this is the angle you wanted,Pope,but here are a couple pix.