fan switch

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fan switch

Post by Baz »

I have a two speed fan switch that has stopped working. Fuse ? Relay ? are there any in line fuses other than the fuse block ?
After a short out some years ago I replaced the old fuse block with new components that have worked well. All fuses in the new block are

my turn signals, lights, radio, clock interior light all still work, but horn, fan .....nah.
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Re: fan switch

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

The two position rocker switch in front of the handbrake lever, right? These are not super robust and they do occasionally simply go bad.

But, you can pry the switch out of the center console, and with the ignition on, if you jumper the brown wire to one of the other two wires, the heater motor should come on. One of the other wires is low speed and the other is high speed. If that works, then your switch is bad.

If that doesn't work, then something is wrong in the wiring. The heater fan is on the same fuse as the windshield wipers, so if they work, then the fuse circuit is likely OK.

What about grounds? The heater fan motor has a black wire for ground that sometimes gets disconnected (up under the dash). In fact, it may be grounded at the mounting bracket for the turn signal flasher relay, and there are a bunch of ground wires there that often get disconnected. Including the ground for the horn button.

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