Good morning! Despite always loving the MGs, I didn’t really know about the Fiats, until i saw one in a local camper listing. I couldn’t figure out what it was so I finally messaged the seller to learn it’s a 78 124, and was also for sale cheap. My boyfriend and I went to look at it and realized it’s not worth fixing as almost every body panel and support piece need replacing, but the car was complete. We walked away, and I did some looking on FB Marketplace to see what else was out there as I was now stuck on that car. Much to my surprise I found a two-car project for sale, a 77 and a 78, about 5hrs away. One almost complete, one complete but in pieces, and neither with much rust to worry about. A plan was then made and all three cars were bought within two weeks.
I can’t wait to get one running and on the road, and then teach my teenagers how to drive stick!