Will not start, but it wants to

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Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Just replaced the Airflow Module, magnetic ignition pick up coil, plugs, wires, dist cap, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel tank, fuel pump relay under glove box. Engine won't start. It sounds like it will begin to start right as you stop turning they key it kicks over a bit and acts like it will start. Then if you hold down the gas pedal it will start at a very very low RPM but you have to keep the pedal held down as soon as you let go it sputters out. What else should I try? Please, any guidance is appreciated.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by mikewof »

Did you check the fuel line? Good flow? Adjust your float chamber? Vacuum lines okay?
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Checking the fuel line right now....how do I adjust the float chamber?
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Also when I pull a plug after I've tried to start it, it does have a bit of fuel on it.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

Recent post Owner had a starting issue, I think it came down to the stripe under the magnetic pickup. I cant remember the orientation, But I think it is in the manual. Just a maybe;

If you have an EFI then there is no float, Float chamber is a carb thing.

http://www.hwww.fiatspider.com/f15/view ... pe#p296780
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Ok I just tested the fuel line and it looks like plenty of pressure. In this video you can hear how it wants to start: https://youtu.be/GfrAGLRUpmE
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

Ah, ok yes it is Fuel Injected. I also checked the magnet under the coil pickup inside the dist cap. It has a marking on it indicating that the one side needs to be up and it was already up so all checks out well there.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by SunnySideUp »

Might be good to check the throttle position sensor (TPS) and its connector. Its on the radiator side of the aluminum plenum opposite the spring for the air flow flap. A bad sensor, dirty/broken connector, or broken wire may cause the symptoms you are described. I believe adjustment/alignment of the TPS are described in the better maintenance manuals.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

I see you replaced everything except the Module under the coil. That could be a problem, My friend Pete, His Module went like that.

How was the engine before this happened? On the link I added the stripe should be in a down position. No?
Last edited by tima01864 on Fri May 07, 2021 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

So the engine ran fine before this except upon warming up (maybe the first 20 minutes maybe 30 minutes) of driving it would buck...almost like I needed to learn how to drive stick shift again...but I can assure you it wasn't my driving. It almost felt like it wasn't getting enough fuel and I thought the Airflow Module was going bad...so that's why I replaced it. But while it was parked in the garage I also replaced that magnetic coil in the Dist Cap because the wire was frayed and lost all of its insulation. So it was driving smooth after it was warmed up....prior to these two changes.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by Bigtcat »

tima01864 wrote:I see you replaced everything except the Module under the coil. That could be a problem, My friend Pete, His Module went like that.

How was the engine before this happened? On the link I added the stripe should be in a down position. No?
I called AutoRicambi and they said the markings that they put on are to face UP. They also rubberbanded the magnet to the part during shipping and I left it how it came for fear of messing something up. I did take it back apart just now and validate that the mark is up like they said it should be.... I dunno, I think that's right....maybe I should flip it over and just see what happens?
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

Guess there is no standard. Worth a try, Also the Ignition module behind the coil could be suspect.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by SunnySideUp »

I also replaced that magnetic coil in the Dist Cap because the wire was frayed and lost all of its insulation
Just for fun... carefully put the old magnetic coil in and see if the car will start/stay running. If it does run, then the new coil is bad. It's rare, but it happens. In my experience, AR is very good about replacing a faulty part as they stand behind everything they sell.
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by tima01864 »

What is an airflow module?
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Re: Will not start, but it wants to

Post by spider2081 »

I would pull the # 3 spark plug use the hood latch on the firewall for a ground and see if there is a visible arc between the plugs electrodes.
is the coolant sensor in the coolant "T" plugged in ?? Are the pins on the connector clean?
Do you have voltage on the pink wire at the coil in both the "start and the Run positions of the ignition switch.
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