1975 or 1979 Spider ?

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1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Franziskaner »

I am looking at both a 1975 and a 1979 Spider, both are in about the same shape.
They both drive well and look good ( need minor stuff but nothing major )
What makes one better or worse than the other ?
Thanks / Danke in advance :)
RoadKill !
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Nanonevol »

I may be wrong but I think '79 they sold the most Spiders so my thinking is go for older, less common.
The '75 will have the gorgeous door handles.
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

I agree with Nanonevol's thoughts, similar to my own. I'm guessing that the '79 is carburetted based on your location, but that was the year some spiders started to come with fuel injection, starting in California. By 1980, all spiders were fuel injected. So, if the '79 is fuel injection, that could be a deciding factor. I personally like carburetors, but many on this forum will disagree with me. :D

So, it's kind of a toss up. For me, I would probably lean very slightly towards the '79. One other factor would be the condition of the interior. While paint and mechanical stuff can be fixed, if there is a significant difference between the two cars in terms of seats, dash, center console, trim, etc, that would be a big factor in my mind as those items can be costly.

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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by davidbruce »

My take. Start with the one with the best body. I guess it will depend on your skill set and what you want out of the car. Wash and drive or lowering springs and bigger carbs etc.
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Franziskaner »

The 79 is a carbureted version.
Owner assures me if I wanted to the car would def make the drive from Kansas to Texas without issue.
Body looks very good except a little bit of paint work needed on Rear corner.
Interior also looks to be in very good shape.
The 75 needs a bit more work than this one and has nearly 2x the mileage I have come to find out and a broken shock too :( .
SO I think I will go for the 79
I have been creeping this forum for a while now and I appreciate the advice and opinions that have been posted.
SO much info here, it is really helpful !
RoadKill !
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Odoyle »

Maybe the 75. The 79 had lots of strange unique changes that year, I had a 79 and it was OK but not like the 77 or 83. Endless vaccum lines and thermoswitches... strange egr exhaust routing... different 3rd gear ratio making rebuild hard... sticky hazard switch... but it does have 3-point seat belts and more tow points than 75... if that matters.
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by SteinOnkel »

Get the 75.

The 79 has the worst carburetor/intake out of the bunch. And a bunch of year-specific parts throughout.

The only nice thing about the '79 is the electronic ignition vs dual points in the 75. But you can retrofit that easily. And that should be one of the first things you do on that car.

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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by geospider »

If you don't need to pass smog...get the '79, eliminate all the crap' get single plane intake and different carb (ALL ARE BETTER THAN THE ONE ON THERE).
and you'll be fine.
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Franziskaner »

The guy with the 75 has pretty much disappeared and I guess he isn't motivated.
I do plan on gutting the emissions stuff on it and replacing the intake and carb.
We will see about the exhaust I have some nice setups I would like to look into.
Thanks again for all the input. Keep 'em coming :D
RoadKill !
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Franziskaner »

I hate when threads don't wrap up. :wink:
I wonder what happened ?

Well to wrap this up:

I got the '79 its a 2 Owner and in nice shape
( went to way out in west Kansas for it all the way from Western Texas)

I did gut the smog stuff and replaced old carb and intake with the AutoRicambi kit which works great :D

RoadKill !
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by aj81spider »

Congratulations on your purchase. Hopefully it brings you as much fun as mine has brought me!

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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by rdv »

oh, I'm too late!

First of all: congratulations! I hope you feel good with your decision!
Let us have a look at your car, if its already home and free of Ice!
Actually not the right weather in Texas for Spider Cruises?!
b.t.w.: Winter in Hamburg, germany lets the lake Alster in the City freeze, last time 9 years ago!

My question: can we get the VIN of your car for the worldwide Spider Register?

Good luck with your car!

Cheers, Ralf
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Re: 1975 or 1979 Spider ?

Post by Franziskaner »

I will get my car on the registry and post pics soon
RoadKill !
1979 Spider
1962 Corvair
2016 Z 71 Crew Cab
( someday a 59 Impala 2D :lol: )
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