Sorry no exciting pix today.
Well, the car was not set on fire. It's that lesson of some times you need to go fix some thing else and then get back to that other thing.
So I finally decided i was sick of questioning my brake caliper rebuild job in the rear and just ordered some new calipers. It will later turn out I probably didn't need them but some times it just moves the project forward.
After the swap of the new calipers and bleed number 9523, the brakes felt slightly better but still wouldn't stop the car.
The next morning there was a puddle under the rear brakes again! I stuck my finger in it and for some reason thought it felt wrong. Not brake fluid. Smelled it.
Eureka! Diff oil!!!
2 min internet search told me this is common. I have actually never owned a rear wheel drive car, I didn't know diff oil could come out the axles.
Three new oil seals for the the rear end were ordered. When they arrived I decided I didn't want to deal with the pinion seal that I've been watching since I bought the car. It looks like it's got a leak but it's lasted 10 years, it can wait a week.
First day I began the job of pulling the passenger rear axle at my friends place so I could use his superior selection of tools. Turns out he and I had exactly the same selection of circlip pliers ... all of which too small. So after about 2 hours of cussing I managed to get the circlip out undamaged (mostly) with too small of circlip pliers and 2 screwdrivers. Only a few drops of blood were spilled.
The axle pulled out with out the slide hammer, in went the new seal. New bearings can wait till I do the pinion seal, but I definitely need bigger circlip pliers.
Bit of research turned up there are actually not many manufacturers of circlip pliers. Everyone sells the same ones with different logos. Turns out Lang makes them all (just like the ratcheting box wrenches) Quick tour of ebay scored me a unused pair for half price.

I highly recommend these if you are doing your rear axles. They ratchet and lock and do both internal and external clips.
Upon arrival of the new pliers I did the other axle in about 15 min.
The next morning for the first time since I've owned the car there was not a single drip from the rear end. Not the axles not the pinion not the brakes!
After a test drive the brakes were heaps better but still not perfect. Now they seemed to be good for a while then go soft.
So now things pointed to the booster. Yes every one said the booster before. But the brakes were squishy with the engine off so there was still some bubble some where. I think I might have had a small leak in the rear calipers but could never tell for sure because there was diff oil. Or they were fine the whole time.
Well a few short trips later I finally had my answer. Pulling up to the gas station I stepped on the brakes and got a massive suck sound and the engine died.
It is a bad booster!!! It must have been intermittent. I hadn't hear any sucking before but hey, it's not a quiet car.
So new booster ordered from AR to be here on Saturday.
In the mean time the car stops great with a pair of vise-grips on the booster hose. A real leg work out but i can lock up all 4 now.