Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

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Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by nn4w »

Hi all,

I'm new to the group and am looking for some help. I'm going to be picking up a 1978 Spider 124 this weekend and could use some information on how to identify it.

I asked the seller for the VIN, but what he sent me appears to be a serial number instead. Here's the number:

124cs1 0133520

Is there a database where I can look this up, (I'm new to Spiders). I'd like to get the actual VIN so that I can get it on my insurance.

Here's the original ad for the car:

Thanks for any help!

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by geospider »

That's how the VIN is on mine. Was strange to me too at first.
I would give it a real good lookover for any rust: floor pans, around strut housing, etc, given some rust in the pics.

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by nn4w »


Thanks for the quick response. If you look at the pictures in the CraigsList post, there is one small rust bubble. I hope it's not an indication of a larger issue.

Is yours registered under a VIN or by the serial number?

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by wetminkey »

My 1979 Spider is 124CS2 0152496. That's my VIN,...says so on my insurance card.
Serial number?
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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by nn4w »

Thanks again,

A web site I looked at referred to that number as a serial number, not a VIN. I think I'll run over to the DMV tomorrow to see if that's all they need to register it. It is a 40 year old car after-all.

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by 18Fiatsandcounting »

124cs1 0133520 is your VIN (and your serial number). 124cs1 identifies the year and body; see:

0133520 is the serial number of your particular car, and by this chart, yours looks to be a late 1978 model.

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by aj81spider »

Prior to 1981 there was no standard for VINs, so every manufacturer did their own thing. This is why the VIN may look strange to you.

You have identified the VIN for your car. Fiat's approach was the model and then a serial number for the VIN.

You shouldn't have any trouble with the DMV

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by aj81spider »

Prior to 1981 there was no standard for VINs, so every manufacturer did their own thing. This is why the VIN may look strange to you.

You have identified the VIN for your car. Fiat's approach was the model and then a serial number for the VIN.

You shouldn't have any trouble with the DMV

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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by gregarious »

On a separate note... anyone else wondering about that interior? Are those aftermarket A/C vents on the passenger side below the glove compartment?
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Re: Trying to identify a new to me Spider 124.

Post by nn4w »

That's a great question. I haven't picked up the car yet due to scheduling difficulties between myself and the seller but I'll make sure to ask.

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